Gifted Education and Supportive Measures to Cater Learning Diversity in HTYC

Our Mission

The mission of HTYC is to provide quality education and fully explore and develop the potential of our students. We cater to the educational needs of all learners, including gifted and less advanced students to stretch their potential by providing sequential and multiple educational activities at different levels.

The school has developed our own structured, theory-based measures to provide sequential and multiple educational activities to gifted students at different levels. In addition, we always look for additional professional support and resources from external educational bodies to further promote our gifted education.

Besides, we have collaborated with EDB to develop high-quality school-based gifted education programmes. HTYC is one of the Gifted Education partner schools of the Education Bureau (EDB) [教育局資優教育夥伴學校].

To cater for the learning diversity of HTYC students, the Enrichment Programmes Unit (EP Unit) was established in 2010. We believe the potential of every student in HTYC is unique. Therefore, we have adopted the “Gifted Education for ALL” idea in our gifted education system so all students can benefit from our policies. 

Our mission is to enrich our students with sound learning experiences to fully develop giftedness, realize their potential, and enhance the performance and competitiveness of ALL students. Our primary duties are to plan, promote, coordinate, support and implement enrichment programmes strategically and systematically.

We have four strategies to promote advanced learning as illustrated below:


Our Four Strategies for Catering for Learner Diversity

Our Four Strategies for Catering for Learner Diversity

I.  School-based whole class learning and teaching

We integrate the core elements of gifted education, i.e. higher-order thinking skills, creativity and personal-social competence, into the curriculum of regular classrooms for all students. Various learning and teaching strategies are used. For example, using effective questioning techniques, such as differentiated or open-ended questioning, using peer editing or marking, and involving able students in interactive discussions. We also provide many co-operative learning opportunities, for example, pair work, peer book sharing, group discussion and project work.

We enrich and extend the curriculum across different subjects, and adopt differentiated teaching through appropriate grouping of students to meet the diverse needs in regular classrooms. Teachers group pupils in various ways in class and for project work; for example, by using performance grouping among different classes.

II. School-based pull out programmes,

Pull-out programmes which aim to provide systematic trainings for different homogeneous groups of students, are conducted inside and outside regular classrooms. We believe that appropriate scaffolding is important for all learners.

Moreover, we organized the Academic Week annually so that students with different talents and interests can enjoy learning outside classrooms.

III. Off-site Programmes and Support

We actively seek external resources support and compile resources for our gifted students for entry to advanced classes to fully develop their potential. Every year, a certain number of students are admitted to the Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education (HKAGE) for further advanced trainings.

IV. Participations in Territory-wide Competitions

We believe that through active participation in external competitions, HTYC students can gain valuable, wide-ranging experiences and can be better prepared for new heights.

Our Four Operation Strategies of Gifted Education at HTYC

A. School-based whole class learning and teaching

1.  Performance Grouping – cater for good performance and less advanced students

(a)  The following small-sized classes are offered in lesson time to cater for students with different performances in different learning areas. These classes can provide more learning opportunities (with accelerated curriculum and remedial curriculum) to lay a stronger foundation and broaden students’ horizon:


B. School-based pull out programmes

1.  Gifted Education Programmes outside the regular classroom

(a) Enriched IT Class

We believes that students of the new generation need the ability to make use of IT for problem-solving. Therefore, students can complete a series of tasks according to their own progression when taking the school’s curriculum. Not only can they acquire new knowledge during this process, they can also keep enhancing their problem-solving skills. In addition, the objective of the school’s curriculum is to train students to unleash their creativity, and to design easy-to-use technological products for handling daily work.

We have been selected as one of the eight partner schools in Hong Kong to provide intensive information technology (IT) enrichment training to Secondary Two to Six students for four cohorts from the 2015/16 school year to the 2022/23 school year.


(b)  Chinese Gifted Education Programme (中國語文科抽離式資優培育計畫-思維與時事評論)

  • Co-organised with gifted education session, Education Bureau (EDB)
  • One class is organized in the second term
  • 9 lessons (11 hours)
  • Class size: 18 Secondary 2 students with outstanding performance in Chinese Language

Two gifted students have a sharing with Chinese Teachers at a EDB Seminar on Learning experiences after the Chinese school-based pull-out education programme.

* 本校參與教育局資優教育組的協作計畫。透過理解及分析不同的時事新聞,培育在中國語文方面表現優異的中二學生學生關心社會時事的習慣,提升他們的語文和高層次思維能力。透過撰寫時事評論,鼓勵學生從不同角度分析,就不同的事件表達個人的立場,並鋪陳論點,發表他們對有關時事新聞的看法。

(c)  Senior Mathematics Competition Training courses

  • Organized by tutors to train those students who participate in different competitions

(d)  Chinese and English Debate Trainings

  • Organized by professional trainers to train those students who participate in different competitions

2. Proactive mentoring scheme

In order to maximize guidance for our bright students, we launched a Proactive Mentorship Scheme for students with high academic potential in 2014. The top ten students of each form will join the Excellence Pursuing Club (EP Club) and a teacher will be assigned to them as their mentor. Some activities in the club include accelerated learning, lunch meetings, goal setting, counselling, etc.

Moreover, club members will be awarded an “academic star”. Each star has its own meaning:

Star of Faith (Red):
Teenagers are always too timid to utilize their talents as they stereotype that one’s age limits one’s capability and influence. However, we can make a difference in our social circles even at a young age, as long as you believe you can. 

Therefore, our faith must remain resolute during our study life. Faith can mean either confidence or belief. To learn with faith, youngsters should join various extra-curriculum activities to explore and understand their life goals and strengths.

For example, only when you join the debating team will you learn to articulate your thoughts and opinions to speaking out for justice in a convincing way. It is strongly believed that when we excel, we can contribute to our community with faith and fortitude.

Star of Hope (Yellow):
Everyone fails at something and it is never shameful to make mistakes. Nevertheless, teenagers always lose confidence and doubt their abilities when they fail in their first trial. 

Therefore, hope is crucial when we study. To learn with hope, we must first understand our own limitations to make failure acceptable. It is not necessary to succeed in our first attempt because we learn more in lessons of failure than in celebration of success. 

Each mistake is a valuable lesson to remind us never losing hope when we face adversities. It is strongly believed that we grow more resolute and confident with every disappointment when we learn together with hope and gratitude.

Star of Love (Green):
Love what you learn. There must be something that you love or something that interests you in each subject. Try to generalize the interest to other parts of the subject so that you begin to love what you are learning. When you love learning, you will be empowered with energy and adopt the correct attitude. Love your classmates and share knowledge with each other. The more we share, the more we achieve. It is strongly believed that we can consolidate our basic knowledge and improve our weaknesses when we learn together with love and humility.

Star of Grace (Blue):
When it comes to grace, it is always defined as the kindness unconditionally given by God to human which mostly appears in the form of talents or peers. Some may argue that God divides his grace unfairly to different people, yet, the Creator has promised his grace is sufficient for everyone and his power is made perfect in our weakness.

Therefore, the grace of God is certainly guaranteed in our life journey. To learn with grace, we need to grasp every opportunity so as to achieve God’s work through us. As long as we learn with grace and joy, the overcoming of our weaknesses and shortcomings is assured with the exceling of our capabilities and courage.

Star of Tenacity (Silver):
During the journey of learning, encountering obstacles is inevitable. In spite of our best effort paid, we may experience failure or disappointment. It may be distressing to accept the fact that we have made errors in the trials. Yet, we should never be despair since the pain of suffering failure is only temporary. Remember, “you reap what you sow”. If we continue to work tenaciously, we will make it to success eventually and the joy will last forever. Thus, it is vital to stay strong when things get worse.

Star of Excellence (Gold):
To chase excellence in the journey of learning, we should bear this in mind: be a better me. Everyone has his own weaknesses and limitations. However, we should be fearless to get over our limits and be willing to improve. It does not matter if the improvement is not obvious because we can take baby steps towards excellence. More importantly, it is our attitude which determines how far we can go. Passion always outweighs ability when it comes to pursuing excellence.

Star of Giftedness (White):
Some students may believe that they are not gifted in learning so they choose to give up in the journey of learning. However, once you have found your own way to learn in the course, you can unearth your potential in learning. It is important to believe that everyone has certain gifts from God. Yet never forget that learning requires effort.

We can use effort to top up a shortfall in giftedness. Thus, there is no equal sign between learning and giftedness. We have to discover and treasure our giftedness and work towards realizing our full potential.

These stars also carry other meanings. We hope that students are aspired to get more “stars” in the HKDSE. As Confucius said, “He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it.” We hope our students can learn to be good leaders and behave with pride and integrity in society after studying at HTYC.

3. Cater for Learners with Different Needs and at Different Stages

(a) NSS Preparation Program (Summer) for pre-S4 students to equip them with senior level study skills

  • Pre-S4 students
  • 4 lessons (10 hours),
  • Class size: 20 students, 6 groups

(b) English and Mathematics Enrichment Courses after school for junior students who need more support /aim at further advancements in these learning areas

  1. S1 and S2 English Enhancement Classes
  • First term : S1 (2 classes) S2 (2 classes),
  • Second term: S1 (3 classes) S2 (1 class),
  • 10 lessons (10 hours),
  • Class size: 20 students.

(c) Chemistry / Biology summer revision classes for S6 students to cater learner diversity

  • 2 classes
  • Tutor (HTYC alumni)
  • Class size: 10 students

d) S6 Mathematics Enhancement Class

  • S6C and 6D
  • 10 meetings on Saturday mornings (20 hours)
  • Class size: 20 students

(e) Enhancement Education Programmes (Effective Study Skills) for S4 and S5

  • 60 S4 and S5 Elite Students with Outstanding Academic Performance / Leadership
  • 4 lessons on Tuesday or Thursday after school (6 hours)

C. Off-site Programmes and Courses

1.    Gifted Programmes of Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE)

In order to develop the potentials of gifted students in HTYC systematically and strategically by providing them with opportunities to receive education at appropriate levels in a flexible teaching and learning environment, high ability students in different aspects are nominated by school to join the programmes. 

Many Secondary 2-6 students are successfully enrolled in Humanity, Mathematics, Science and Leadership Programmes after screening by the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. These students can actively participate in various programmes which could inspire their thinking and enhance their creativity abilities and social skills.

2.   Education Bureau (EDB) Web-based Learning Courses for Students with High Potentials
     教育局網上學習課程 (地球科學、天文學、數學、中國改革開放、當代中國的崛興、古生物學)

Every year a large number of S1-3 students with high potentials are nominated to join the web-based learning courses in Mathematics, Astronomy, Earth Science and Palaeontology.

The course comprises 3 levels of on-line study with standards of the highest level of comparable to senior secondary level. It will take one year to complete all the three levels. Students are required to pass the test at the end of each level before they can move on.

In 2012 and 2013, S3A Cheung Wai Ham and S5C Lo Wing Yiu got excellent results in the Earth Science course. They were invited to join the Earth Science Enrichment Programme organized by the Department of Earth Science of the University of Hong Kong. They joined several lectures, lab exercises and a field trip.

Furthermore, S5C Lo Wing Yiu was selected to attend a follow-up, year-long mentorship programme provided by the HKU. The mentorship programme comprised museum visits, intensive workshops, field visits and research projects.

3.  The Junior Science Institute (HKUJSI), the Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong

The Junior Science Institute provides a series of hands-on learning programmes (workshops, laboratory exercises, field trips, public lectures and other interactive activities) to senior secondary school students from different science disciplines including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science and Mathematics. We have nominated a large number of senior science students to join courses every year.

In 2011, S6A Wong Man Kan has completed a HKUJSI Biology course and selected as one of the BEST THREE senior secondary students from the K11 seminar and interviews at HKU to team up with 10 HKU graduate and postgraduate students for preparing and delivering presentations at a symposium in HKU in 2011. She has completed a 14-day field trip to study the ecology and biodiversity of Madagascar in HKU-K11 Eco-Leaders Training Programmes.

Project website:

D. Active Participations in Territory-wide Competitions

Our school puts a strong focus on encouraging the pursuit of knowledge and enhancing the interest in learning among HTYC students. We strongly recommend students to take part actively in various competitions and investigations in different learning areas, such as information technology, science investigations, arts and music, so as to challenge the students' mind and enrich their vision. We have achieved very outstanding results over the past years. Here are some examples:

Universal Robotics Challenge 2019  國際機械人挑戰賽

Participants: One team of S3 students

After winning the Champion in RoboSTEAM 2019 (Hong Kong Region), four students of HTYC represented Hong Kong to participate in the Universal Robotics Challenge 2019, which was held in Osaka University in Japan.


The 34th China Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest  34屆全國青少年科技創新大賽 - 2nd Runner-up Award

Participant:  2C Chan HK


香港科技協進會 2018 善德關愛科研青年發展計劃 –「我是發明家大獎」Gold Award -Champion

Participants: One team of S4 students


Computer App Programming 2018 Competition - Champion and 1st runner-up

Participants: One team of S2 and S4 students


2018 First Tech Challenge Competition (FTC) - Winning Alliance Award

Participants: One team of S3 and S5 students



2017 人權法盃決賽 (冠軍及最佳辯論員)

Participants: One team of S4 and S5 students




Inter-School IT Elite Challenge 2016 (「校際IT精英挑戰賽2016」) - 1st Runner-up

Participants: One team of S5 students

They are commended for their excellent preparation and outstanding teamwork.



Computer App Programming 2016 - Project Competition - Winner

Participants: One team of S3 students

Section: Project (Junior Form) Competition                      Adward : Winner

Section: Problem solving (Junior Form) Competition       Adward : 2nd Runner-up Award


YMCA Youth Leadership Development Scheme 傲翔新世代
Participants : S3, 4 students

                                                  HTYC Team

Our school team got the championship for 8 times and also other awards such as the Most Creative Presentation and Best Cooperation Award.


2016 Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition - Grand Final, first runner-up

Participants: One team of S4 students

Our debate team


2015 Hong Kong International a cappella Contest School Division (Vocal Band) 香港國際無伴奏合唱比賽-中學組 (人聲樂團) - Champion

Our A cappella team won the Champion in the School Division (Vocal Band) in the Hong Kong International a cappella contest. The Contest was held on 21st November, 2015 in Shatin Town Hall by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. This Contest has been a platform for the students to demonstrate their talents through a trendy art form that demands polished singing techniques, effective teamwork skills, and creativities. It also allowed them to learn from other elite teams and establish bondage.

HTYC A Cappella Team


Hong Kong Carlton Trophy Competition 2014 - 2nd Runner-up

Carlton Trophy (嘉爾頓錦標賽), named after the late Mr. Carlton W. Tinn, former Deputy Colony Commissioner, is a bi-annual patrol-based competition in the scout section. Representative patrols from different groups compete on the district and regional level before they can advance to the final competition, which usually consists of camping, pioneering, first aid, backwoods cooking, hiking/orienteering. The Carlton Trophy is considered the highest level skill competition in the scout section in Hong Kong Scouting. Each year's champion patrol is awarded the trophy colors in the Hong Kong Scout Rally by the Chief Scout of Hong Kong.

HTYC Team and the trophy


2013 “Let’s Colour It” Dulux Hong Kong Schools Mural Competition - Champion

We have joined the Dulux Mural Competition (多樂士Let’s Colour校園添色彩計劃2012-2013) in this year. The project lasted almost 5 months from preparation to completion. We ranked no.1 in the voting session and has won the champion of the whole competition. Our students have paid a whole heap of effort into it. And in contempt of all the obstacles the students have encountered, they’ve learnt a lot.

The school wall painting and our team



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