Room 406A & 406B on 4/F
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday (School Day only)
8:10 – 17:00


Our Mission

  • To meet the educational needs of all members of our school
  • To provide a wide range of resources to encourage and promote broader reading horizons
  • To keep pace with current information development
  • To provide materials that will inspire and stimulate youthful minds
  • To develop information-retrieving skills for independent and lifelong learning

Library Regulations

Loan Policy

  • Loan quota:   4 items
  • Loan period: 14 days
  • Renewal:         1 time
  • All books loaned can be renewed if the books are not reserved.

Library Fines

  • Failure to return a book on time will mean a fine of $0.5 for each school day per book.
  • The borrower is responsible for all items checked out in his/her name and will be charged for the replacement and processing costs of any lost or badly damaged item.
  • All fines paid are non-refundable. Students may not be cleared for withdrawal or graduation until all library fines have been paid and all loans returned.

Conduct of Library Users

  • Neither food nor drinks are allowed in the library.
  • All library users must enter and leave the library through the main entrance.
  • Silence should be observed in the library.
  • Users are to take care of personal belongings. The library will not be responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings.
  • Library users are required to sit in the places provided. Tables and chairs should not be misused or moved to new positions.
  • No library stationery may be borrowed without the permission of the library staff.

Self-revision Lesson(s) in the Library

  • Students should do silent self-revision during lesson time.
  • Attendance is strictly observed.
  • Students are required to sign in at the service counter at the beginning of the lesson.
  • Students should seek permission from the library assistant if they need to leave during the lesson.
  • Sofa zone is not for use during lesson time.
  • Circulation service will not be provided during lesson time.

Student ID Card

  • Student ID card is not transferable. Holders will be held responsible for the use of the card.
  • Loss of student ID cards should be reported to the General Office and the library at once.


  • All computers in the library are strictly for academic use only.
  • Library staff has the authority to stop users from misusing Internet resources. Serious offences will be liable to further disciplinary action.

Copying Machine

  • The school merely charges $0.3 per copy for the service.
  • All printing and photocopying of literary work should be made in compliance with the Copyright Ordinance. Library users are fully responsible for any copyright infringement.

Library Collections

The School Library has assembled a useful collection of books, newspapers and magazines. Most books are displayed on open shelves. English books are arranged by subject according to Dewey Decimal Classification System and Chinese books are classified by Yung-Hsiang Lai's New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries. As of August 2024, the School Library has a total collection of more than 27,200 volumes divided as follows:

Lending Collections

  • Chinese books
  • English books
  • RE books – Books on Religious Education
  • CRS (CRS = CERS = Chinese Extensive Reading Scheme)
  • ERS (ERS = EERS = English Extensive Reading Scheme)
  • SBA Collection – F/NF books for S4 & S5 School Based Assessment
  • Examination question paper books

Reference Collections

Non-book Materials

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines


  • Materials on Education & Career Guidance


HyRead ebook

It mainly offers Chinese books published in Taiwan, including children books for paired reading, literature and fiction, and books on business and economics, household knowledge, social sciences, technology and medicines, language learning, education, biography, etc. The books are available for online reading or for downloading to personal computers and mobile devices.

"JoyReadClub" e-Book

It coordinates with over 40 local publishers and university and newspaper presses. It consists of more than 3000 copies of reading materials in electronic version which widely covers that areas of Chinese and English fictions, social science, teaching and learning, parenting, leisure and living and many more.

 基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學  The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
 Visitor: 4,169,723
 地址: 九龍何文田常和街6號
 Address: 6 Sheung Wo Street Ho Man Tin
 電話(Tel): 27117159
 傳真(Fax): 27142958
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