Careers Master's Welcome Message

Welcome to the web page of the Further Education and Careers Guidance Committee

The Further Education and Careers Guidance Committee is committed to facilitating students to develop their plan for further education and career development. Learning does not stop at the end of formal schooling; it continues for life. Thus it is important for students to develop the attitude and commitment for life-long learning and personal growth.

The starting point for students to make long-term plan for further education and career development is to acquire all the important and relevant information. The setting up of the Further Education and Careers Information Centre at the library serves such a purpose. It is our responsibility to enable students to acquire all the relevant information in an easy and accessible manner. I look forward to helping students to plan ahead for their future.  

Mission & Visions


The ultimate aim of the Committee is to encourage all students, irrespective of ability, orientation and levels of study, to acquire an eagerness for life-long learning, and drive and determination for life-long career development.



The students will:

  1. have a clear understanding of themselves, including inclination, interest and ability,

  2. have a clear understanding of external environments, including further education opportunities and types and variety of careers available,

  3. have the knowledge and confidence to make the best choice for their future studies and careers,

  4. be made aware of the importance and indeed the necessity of life-long learning and career planning,

  5. develop a positive attitude towards study, work and life, and

  6. fully develop their potential through making the best choice of future studies and careers with ultimate benefit not only to themselves but to society.

Our Work

The NSS curriculum gives rise to opportunities and challenges to the Further Education and Careers Guidance Committee. Given the need to cater for diverse student learning abilities, the flexibility of subject choices, the inclusion of careers related experiences as part of Other Learning Experiences and the necessity to construct Student Learning Profile, the Further Education and Careers Guidance Committee has an indispensable role to play in the context of NSS curriculum. Further education and career guidance teachers have the following key roles and responsibilities.

  1. Role as a further education and career information officier: to collect, update and disseminate effectively all kinds of further education and career information to support students, parents, teachers, and school leaders in planning (e.g. in the formulation of senior secondary subject option plan).
  2. Role as a further education and career counsellor: to counsel students individually and in groups, identifying their education and career development problems and needs, and coaching them to find, develop and review their personal plans and career goals.
  3. Role as a further education and career consultant: to advise students in their Student Learning Profile and develop appropriate work attitude/reflective thinking skill in them
 基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學  The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
 Visitor: 4,160,402
 地址: 九龍何文田常和街6號
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 電話(Tel): 27117159
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