丘中50週年視覺藝術展覽 - 開幕典禮|HTYC – The 50th Anniversary School-based Visual Arts Exhibition - The Opening Ceremony
2022-09-09 (Friday)
Leader : Ms Lui CY
Category : Events


HTYC – The 50th Anniversary School-based Visual Arts Exhibition is the first ever visual arts exhibition in HTYC over the past 50 years. This was an unprecedented event for the school and the students. The theme of our exhibition was “Step Out –Courageous Attempts”. It showcased the accomplishments of our students in various visual art mediums over the past few years, namely glass art, Western painting, neon sign design, Chinese calligraphy, and Chinese paper-cutting. Romain Rolland, the 1915 Nobel Prize winner in Literature once said ‘The great significance of art lies in its ability to show people’s true feelings, the mystery of inner life and the passionate world.’ The exhibition featured works of our students and showed how they have stepped out of the limitations of traditional visual art mediums to explore different contemporary visual art mediums. It also chronicled their journey of developing their confidence, perseverance, and courage.

我們的嘉賓主要包括:香港基督教女青年會杜會長、楊總幹事、李副總幹事、呂校監、 陳校董、羅校董、麥校董、蔡校董和郭校長。

Our honorable guests mainly included Ms. To, President of Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association, Ms. Yeung, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association, Ms. Lee, Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association, Ms. Lui, Our School Supervisor, Ms. Chan, Ms. Law, Ms. Mak, and Mr. Tsoi, Our School Managers, and Mr. Kwok, Our School Principal.


Our school principal, Mr. Kwok Sai Man, led the opening prayer for beginning the opening ceremony.


We were very privileged to have Ms To Sook Yuen, Helena, President of Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association, as our Guest of Honour, to deliver the welcoming remarks.

丘中學生踴躍參加「2022 香港動漫電玩節第 13 屆香港原創動漫人型設計比賽」,設計出優秀「潮玩」人型,勇奪殊榮。是次比賽的 學生參賽組別,共設冠軍一名、優異獎三名。我校五丁班鄧健生同學 在一眾選手中突圍而出,不但獲得優異獎,贏得現金、書券各一千元, 更獲評判特別嘉許,由大會頒發 「評審嘉許狀」,以示鼓勵。

In 2022, a number of our schoolmates participated in “The 13th Hong Kong Anime Figure Design Competition 2022” in the Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong 2022. Contestants were required to design a hot toy. We are proud to announce that in the school category, 5D TANG Kin-Sang performed exceptionally well. He not only won a merit award with one thousand-dollar cash, and one thousand-dollar book voucher, but also the Judges Commendation award.

丘中學生積極參與國際繪畫賽事,二丁陳思澄同學及 三甲 班姚婉同學 分別在 2021 年第十屆 及 2022 年及十一屆世界兒童繪畫大獎賽 名列榜首。兩人各自以「節日遊記」及「相聚童樂」為主題,先後在初中組奪得冠軍。

Our schoolmates also actively participated in international art competitions. We obtained very good results in the World Children Art Competition in the past two years. Last year, 2D Chan Sze Ching got the championship in the junior section in the 10th World Children Art Awards 2021,” This year, 3A IU Yuen-Kiu won the championship. The themes of the two years are ‘Celebration of Festivals’ and ‘Joy of Reunion’ respectively.

丘中學生積極參與國際繪畫賽事,四甲班曾卓琳同學在 2022 年十一屆世界兒童繪畫大獎賽高中組一舉奪魁,獲得冠軍。

Our schoolmates also actively participated in international art competitions. We obtained very good result in the senior section of the school category. This year, 4A TSANG Cheuk-Lam was awarded the Championship.


Ms Lui San Man Simmy, our School Supervisor, presented the prizes and awards to our students.


In the competitions above, our school attained the Excellence Art of Education Award for two consecutive years, 2021 and 2022. 


We were very privileged to have Ms To Sook Yuen, Helena, President of Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association, as our Guest of Honour, present the prizes and awards to our students.

我們有幸邀請到主禮嘉賓香港基督教女青年會 杜會長、楊總幹事、李副總幹事、呂校監、 陳校董、羅校董、蔡校董、麥校董、 郭校長一同剪綵。

We were very privileged to have our Guest of Honour, Ms. To, President of Hong Kong Young Women’s ChristianAssociation, Ms Yeung, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association, Ms Lee, Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association, Ms. Lui, Our School Supervisor, Ms Chan and Ms Mak, Our School Managers and Our school Principal Mr Kwok to cut the ribbon.


Our School Principal, Mr Kwok Sai Man, presented the souvenirs to our Guest of Honour, Ms. To, Ms Yeung, Ms Lee, Ms. Lui, Ms Chan, Ms Law, Ms Mak, and Mr Tsoi.

「丘中 50 週年視覺藝術展覽」開幕禮圓滿結束,感謝各位嘉賓蒞臨出席。

The group photos concluded the opening ceremony of the 50th Anniversary School-based Visual Arts Exhibition. Thank you, all honorable guests, for taking the time to attend the ceremony.

 基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學  The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
 Visitor: 3510167
 地址: 九龍何文田常和街6號
 Address: 6 Sheung Wo Street Ho Man Tin
 電話(Tel): 27117159
 傳真(Fax): 27142958
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