鎖定目標,積極執行2022-2023|Precise Goal Setting Sharing 2022-2023
2022-10-03 (Monday)
Location : FEC
Leader : Lam SC
Category : Events

The Further Education and Careers Guidance Committee (FEC) will invite alumni back to HTYC every year to share with S6 students the special feature of their universities, course content of their programs, their study skills, career path and so on, so as to help S6 students to have a clearer direction of future development.


丘中升學及就業輔導委員會 (FEC) 每年均會邀請現正就讀各大專院校/已大學畢業的校友們回校與應屆中六同學分享其就讀院校的特色、課程内容、學習心得、交流實習、升學出路、就業前景等資訊,讓應屆中六同學有更清晰的發展方向。

 基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學  The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
 Visitor: 3516951
 地址: 九龍何文田常和街6號
 Address: 6 Sheung Wo Street Ho Man Tin
 電話(Tel): 27117159
 傳真(Fax): 27142958
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