Book Fair 書展
2024-02-23 (Friday)
Category : Events

The book fair was successfully held from 23rd to 24th February (Parents’ Day) in the covered playground with The Sup Retail (Hong Kong) Limited. Students had a large selection of books to choose from at the exhibition booths. Chinese and English fiction, non-fiction books, supplementary exercise books and stationery were displayed at the book fair. We hope to broaden students’ scope of reading and help them nurture a good reading habit.



 基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學  The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
 Visitor: 4,125,788
 地址: 九龍何文田常和街6號
 Address: 6 Sheung Wo Street Ho Man Tin
 電話(Tel): 27117159
 傳真(Fax): 27142958
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