A team of seven students from the Dance Society participated in the Chinese Dance Open Section competition in the Hong Kong Professional Dance Competition 2024 held at Y-Theatre, Youth Square on 4 April 2024. After six months of dedicated training, they took on the role of Dai ladies, helping villagers under the rain, and exhibiting their hospitality and peacefulness in the Dai village. With their marvelous cooperation and spectacular movement, they were awarded the Silver Award. Congratulations!
本校七名舞蹈學會的同學參加了2024年4月4日假青年廣場綜合劇場舉行的全港專業舞蹈大賽2024中國舞公開組比賽。經過半年多的訓練,她們在台上化成為傣族少女,在村莊撐起雨傘,為人擋風遮雨,細膩地展示了她們善良的心與那寧靜如世外桃源般的傣鄉。最後, 同學們憑著「傣家姑娘.傣家的雨」一舞獲得銀獎。恭喜各位參賽同學