Support measures ensuring students’ learning effectiveness

Ref: Medium of Instruction Policy – Full Range EMI Approach


In HTYC, we are training students to use English for life communication. To facilitate the use of English authentically, students, both junior and senior, have a lot of chances to use the language. Students’ English competence in verbal communication is appreciable. At the same time, the results of English of students in internal and external public examinations are good. Therefore, we have great confidence in keeping our full-range EMI policy in students’ learning.

Indeed, English has long been the official medium of instruction in HTYC for most of the subjects except those requiring Chinese, like Chinese Language, Chinese History, etc. Normally, new S.1 students, after our well-planned and well-implemented S.1 Orientation Programme during the summer vacation, have been able to pick up the use of English as MOI shortly after their admission in September. In November 2010, when EDB conducted the pilot MOI fine-tuning survey at HTYC, observations show that S.1 students felt comfortable and were able to learn through English in November, only two and a half months after admission. In fact, most students are well bilingual and tri-literate.

Language & Critical Thinking:

Indeed, language proficiencies are highly emphasized especially that they substantially facilitate the development of critical thinking skills. Therefore, various measures are adapted to enhance students’ language proficiencies, namely:

  • importance of languages and critical thinking are emphasized and conveyed
  • consistence and correct use of language emphasized in formal presentation and sharing
  • integration of language trainings in the curriculum as major subjects
  • collaboration of all subject teachers through classroom teaching and learning, and other learning experiences, to nurture language abilities in expressing, thinking, analysing, discussing, presenting, etc.
  • students being strongly encouraged and arranged to participate in language activities such as extensive reading, writing, experience sharing, academic presentations, formal discussion, etc.

EMI Policy

  • English is the official language for learning and teaching, in classroom during EMI lessons and also on public occasions, like assemblies, Athletics Meets, etc.
  • In formal occasions like ceremonies, morning assemblies, etc., teachers’ sharing and students’ sharing will be conducted in English.
  • Students have to use English for official communication, like when writing their self-account for SLP and additional information for JUPAS.
  • While professional sharing on EMI teaching is a common practice among teachers, teachers of EMI subjects will need to engage themselves in relevant professional training course related to EMI teaching in secondary schools.

EMI Environment

To provide an English-rich learning environment, various key strategies have been adopted, namely:

  • Full-range EMI subjects
  • English-based regular assemblies and school functions
  • S.1 Summer Orientation Programme
  • S.1 Bridging Programme
  • Performance grouping in S.1 - S.3
  • Language arts lessons by Nature English-speaking Teacher (NET)
  • Fun-rich English activities on campus throughout the year
  • English Week as a grand annual highlight
  • Extensive reading activities
  • External competitions to stretch the potential of high-flyers
  • Since English is the official MOI, announcements, song dedication, promotional activities, etc. will fill the campus with linguistic elements of English.
  • Posters, post-ups, reading lessons, etc. are basically in English, which have been effective supplements to the English atmosphere on the school campus.
  • Teachers will also talk with students in English, modelling the use of English in daily life.
  • A new English team, EAOC (English Activity Organizing Committee), has been set up both (i) to nurture English Ambassadors who promote and demonstrate speaking English in daily life, and (ii) to promote authentic use of English in daily life.
  • A new NET has joined the English panel and he is energetic in making contact and communicating with students, helping to build up the English environment on the campus.

Language Schemes

  • Morning reading of English materials, mainly books or newspapers.
  • Students’ sharing is frequently arranged in front of the whole school or in front of the whole class---providing opportunities to speak in English, as well as having a modelling and inspirational effect, building a good EMI atmosphere and aspirations
  • Subscription of English newspaper for thematic learning.
  • For new S.1 students, an S.1 Orientation Programme to help new students adjust to EMI learning and teaching.

English Activities

  • There is the annual participation of students in the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival.
  • There are Debating Teams trainings or interclass debating competitions, which boost students’ interests, knowledge, skills and proficiency.
  • English Drama and puppetry trainings also attracted a number of students.
  • English public speaking / Toastmasters Leadership Programme…
  • “Smart Hioecians” activities – students engaged in interesting English activities in an all English environment, like detective games, orienteering competitions, etc.
  • Students writing to SCMP
  • Publications: Inkastructure (2015), Excellence Pursuing (2016), Hioecians’ Pensieve (2017)
  • The newly set up EAOC will organize interesting activities for students, boosting atmosphere and confidence. (e.g. English Forum on 13.9.2019 during lunch time, planning: S.1 & S.5 interclass interviews in Sep 2019, S.4 Meet & Greet Sessions with Mr Pierre in Sep & Oct)
  • English Week is the annual highlight of the year to push up the English speaking and learning atmosphere, as well as substantially involving all students in English language fun activities.
  • Study tour (organized by PTA) to Australia with lessons on English and STEM education in the study course at Australian universities (July 2020).
  • Joint-schools English High Table activity will be organized with participants presenting and discussing local or global issues in English (Dec 2019).

Support to EMI Subjects / Other Departments

  • English teachers are all ready for consultation by other subject teachers.
  • English Department has prepared a collection of classroom English items for other subject teachers.
  • English Department will spare time if possible to address some related linguistic or genre knowledge to support the learning activities or learning tasks of other subjects, e.g. recipe writing (S.1), report writing (S.2), letter writing, mind-map training, etc.
  • English Department will keep teaching and training students in the structure of presentation [overall presentation structure + idea development (topic sentence + elaborations)]. This is useful for many other subjects that require expression and elaboration of opinions.
  • Concrete support is given by English Department in various initiatives:
    • Self-account writing for the Student Learning Profile (S.4-S.6)
    • Language support to students in the Project-based learning exercises
  • Collaboration between English and other subject departments:
    • 45th Anniversary Musical: English Dept., Music Dept., Visual Art Dept., Home Economics Dept. etc. (2016 summer)
    • S.4 English musical performance: English Dept. and Music Dept.
    • S.2 Fun Science Programme, integrating the learning of Science through English fun activities: English Dept. and Science Dept.
    • S.1 Creative Recipe: English Dept, Home Economics Dept
    • S.2 Math projects: Math Dept, English Dept, Visual Art Dept
    • S.2-4 Drama Appreciation: English Dept, History Dept [e.g. Thirty-Nine Steps (2014), A Tale of Two Cities (2019)

Attached: EMI Focus Inspection Report

 基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學  The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
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