資訊日 2024
2024-11-23 (Saturday)
Category : Events

Our school's Information Day was held on 23rd November 2024 and welcomed hundreds of guests. During the briefing sessions, our student representatives provided a comprehensive introduction to their enjoyable school life. Our school principal, Mr. Kwok Sai Man, presented various school measures for student development and shared information about interview arrangements for discretionary places in Secondary 1. He also addressed the inquiries raised by our parent guests. Moreover, our guests enjoyed musical performances, workshops, and exhibitions prepared by our students, immersing themselves in our vibrant learning environment. The event brought joy to our guests, students, and teachers, making it a delightful afternoon for everyone involved.



 基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學  The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
 Visitor: 4,169,973
 地址: 九龍何文田常和街6號
 Address: 6 Sheung Wo Street Ho Man Tin
 電話(Tel): 27117159
 傳真(Fax): 27142958
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